Ask the Coder (527) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions >« Back to Full Questions List Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer45views Do dental insurances accept ICD-9 diagnosis codes when processing claims?1answer80views i just had the membership of should i get the 25% discount on my isp study program...should u provide me with a copoun code?1answer792views Is there documentation to support when it is appropriate to bill D0470, Diagnostic Casts? I have a provider that seems to think that he can bill this code when taking impressions and bite registration for a sleep apnea appliance. I would like to have something in writing to support the explanation of this code. Thank you.1answer143views If a patient has periocoronitis on tooth 17 and the dentist burns the flap of skin off, what is the correct code? I say D7971, but the dentist insists that I code it under D7280, since operculectomy is not covered under the patient's insurance (Florida Medicaid). The dentist did not remove any bone, did not make an incision. Who is right?1answer29views My pt is 24 years old (DOB 12/26) and lives at home, she has her own policy through MetLife Dental and her mother (DOB 12/27) has a policy through Delta Dental. I want to confirm that her policy is primary and mothers is secondary. Is this correct???1answer59views I noticed one of the publications mentioned on the ADCA website is Oral Maxillofacial coding/billing book published by PMIC. I wondered if you have any experience with this book and if this is beneficial for the dental coder in Oral Maxillofacial surgery?Thank you!Lynette Kardell, CPC,CDC1answer499views Is there a CPT code for an occlusal guard? (D9940 CDT)1answer54views Greetings - I have 2 questions 1. I am trying to take the Module 1 practice exam but I am unable to log in with my ADCA username and password. do I need to set-up another one? 2. I have 2 dental billers in my office and I would like to register them as members so that they can take the certification exam,also. Is there a way that I can do this for them and pay the fee through our organization?1answer230views When would you expect to see the D7951--sinus augmentation with bone or bonesubstitues code used?The procedure in question is: Placement of implant at site #3 with possibleindirect or direct sinus lifting.The Oral Surgeon documents that an "indirect sinus lift" was performed. Thank you. Brenda1answer47views What is the diagnostic medical code I should use when billing a medical carrier? « Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 53 Next » Ask a Question