Can you bill for a 4342 for tooth #3 and 4341 of the upper right quad on the same day?

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  • Can you bill for a 4342 for tooth #3 and 4341 of the upper right quad on the same day?

Can you bill for a 4342 for tooth #3 and 4341 of the upper right quad on the same day?

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Asked on January 6, 2016
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Answers (1)

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This question is very vague, if you are performing a periodontal scaling and root planning the appropriate code will depend on how many teeth exist in the quadrant. If there are four or more teeth in the upper right quadrant you will bill D4341 if there are one to three teeth in the upper right quadrant you will bill D4342. It is not appropriate to use both D4341 and D4342 for the same quadrant.

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Answered on January 7, 2016
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