D0140 billing multiple times

D0140 billing multiple times

Answer Question

General dentist coded D0140 for tooth pain. Recommended RCT and got RCT at endodontist through referral. Endodontist coded D0140 again. Went back to general dentist for filling of crown. Got billed with D0140 again. Does this look correct to keep billing D0140 even though was evaluted for problem focused first time by general dentist?

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Asked on December 22, 2022
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Answers (2)

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The D0140 should only have been sent by the GP, If it was certain the patient needed to RCT. The endo coding for it is not neccassary unless they had to diagnosis if the patient really needed a RCT. But the GP sending the D0140 again at the crown appointment is absolutely unnecessary.
Most insurances share the exam freq and it is not fair to the patient to have a D0140 billed at each visit when the problem was determined and now the treatment is being done to correct it. Also their are some insurances that do not allow D0140 to be done the same day as treatment.

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Answered on December 22, 2022
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Answered on December 22, 2022
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