doctor does the following: two samples were procured with separate 2.0mm biopsy punches. A local was also used. Medical codes are 11100 and 11101 and transfer to D7286. Do I charge this code twice for each biopsy?

  • Ask the Coder
  • doctor does the following: two samples were procured with separate 2.0mm biopsy punches. A local was also used. Medical codes are 11100 and 11101 and transfer to D7286. Do I charge this code twice for each biopsy?

doctor does the following: two samples were procured with separate 2.0mm biopsy punches. A local was also used. Medical codes are 11100 and 11101 and transfer to D7286. Do I charge this code twice for each biopsy?

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Asked on October 29, 2014
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Answers (1)

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Yes, you would get D7286 twice provided the were not in the same area or site.

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Answered on October 30, 2014
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