For bone grafting for the purpose of implant placement, our oral surgeon uses a couple different types of material for the grafting, a membrane. To code this and bill to insurance, I am using D6104, D4265 and D4266 for billing. Is this correct or should all charges be simply billed under only the D6104?

  • Ask the Coder
  • For bone grafting for the purpose of implant placement, our oral surgeon uses a couple different types of material for the grafting, a membrane. To code this and bill to insurance, I am using D6104, D4265 and D4266 for billing. Is this correct or should all charges be simply billed under only the D6104?

For bone grafting for the purpose of implant placement, our oral surgeon uses a couple different types of material for the grafting, a membrane. To code this and bill to insurance, I am using D6104, D4265 and D4266 for billing. Is this correct or should all charges be simply billed under only the D6104?

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Asked on October 15, 2014
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Answers (1)

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The only code that should be billed for the service you described above would be D6104.

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Answered on October 16, 2014
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