Hi there, If a patient has dental plan, but claim must file through medical first. Please let me know, what are the medical codes for D0150, D0210, D1120, D1110?Thank you!

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  • Hi there, If a patient has dental plan, but claim must file through medical first. Please let me know, what are the medical codes for D0150, D0210, D1120, D1110?Thank you!

Hi there, If a patient has dental plan, but claim must file through medical first. Please let me know, what are the medical codes for D0150, D0210, D1120, D1110?Thank you!

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Asked on August 3, 2017
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Answers (1)

Private answer

Medical cross codes for examinations are based off documentation, there is no way to cross code this without seeing the documentation in the chart please refer to your CPT coding manual to select the most appropriate code;
Examination code ranges: New patient 99202-99205, Established patient 99212-99215

As for the rest cross codes are as follows:
D0210 - 70320 (intraoral - complete series of radiographs FMX)
D1120 - No compatible cross code exists (prophylaxis child)
D1110 - No compatible cross code exists (prophylaxis adult)

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Answered on August 4, 2017
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