I have a question. I have providers in my peds specialty that want to bill a D1206 Varnish with a regular preventive exam. Can they with the D code? And/or is there a comparable code in CPT?, And would they be reimbursed for it? and what are the RVUs associated with this code?? Thank you so much, cheers, Emily Heed CPC, CDC-A

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  • I have a question. I have providers in my peds specialty that want to bill a D1206 Varnish with a regular preventive exam. Can they with the D code? And/or is there a comparable code in CPT?, And would they be reimbursed for it? and what are the RVUs associated with this code?? Thank you so much, cheers, Emily Heed CPC, CDC-A

I have a question. I have providers in my peds specialty that want to bill a D1206 Varnish with a regular preventive exam. Can they with the D code? And/or is there a comparable code in CPT?, And would they be reimbursed for it? and what are the RVUs associated with this code?? Thank you so much, cheers, Emily Heed CPC, CDC-A

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Asked on September 26, 2014
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Answers (1)

Private answer

Yes they may bill the D code to medical as there is no compatiable CPT code for fluoride varnish. As for reimbursment of this procedure to medical providers there is no statistical data to prove one way or the other as of yet. It is completely upto the individual carriers.

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Answered on September 27, 2014
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