I have a question, I work for a Endodontist and Dr. wants to start billing for a 6 month check up how would I bill that?

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  • I have a question, I work for a Endodontist and Dr. wants to start billing for a 6 month check up how would I bill that?

I have a question, I work for a Endodontist and Dr. wants to start billing for a 6 month check up how would I bill that?

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Asked on November 29, 2011
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The first question you need to ask would be "Why is an Endodontist performing a 6 month check-up?" If it is to check the status of a RCT performed on a patient, this is typically considered inclusive. None-the-less, since there is no specific examination code for a 6 month check-up from an Endodontist and no real reason for an Endodontist to be performing a 6 month check-up the most appropriate code to use would be D3999 (unspecified endodontic procedure, by report). The carrier would have to decide if the 6 month check-up is a valid charge.

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Answered on November 30, 2011
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