Is there a specific ADA code for a diagnostic wax up?Ask the CoderIs there a specific ADA code for a diagnostic wax up?Is there a specific ADA code for a diagnostic wax up? « Back to Previous Page Answer Question Tweet ▲0 ▼ ♥ 0 Marked as spamAsked on October 20, 20147174 viewsFollowUnfollowReport spam Add comment Anonymous comment CancelAnswers (1) ▲0 ▼✔ Private answerThis is considered the same as a diagnostic casts(study models, diagnostic models), in essence it is a working mold. Therefore, the appropriate code would be D0470Marked as spamAnswered on October 21, 2014Report spam Add comment Anonymous comment Cancel « Back to Previous Page Post your AnswerAttach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [] Notify me of follow