My dentist does quite a few precision fit partial dentures( crowning adjacent teeth with precision attachments that will lock into the attachments on the partial denture). Obviously the lab charges quite a bit more than fabricating a traditional partial, what code do you suggest we use for this type of service?

  • Ask the Coder
  • My dentist does quite a few precision fit partial dentures( crowning adjacent teeth with precision attachments that will lock into the attachments on the partial denture). Obviously the lab charges quite a bit more than fabricating a traditional partial, what code do you suggest we use for this type of service?

My dentist does quite a few precision fit partial dentures( crowning adjacent teeth with precision attachments that will lock into the attachments on the partial denture). Obviously the lab charges quite a bit more than fabricating a traditional partial, what code do you suggest we use for this type of service?

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Asked on June 4, 2014
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Answers (1)

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The most appropriate code for the precision attachments would be D5862

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Answered on June 5, 2014
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