Patient presented with avulsed tooth #11. Dr. Arndt re-stabilized . I have to send to medical first. I need CPT code and DX code.
We use digital scan rather than conventional PVS and I'd like to know if I can now charge for 3-D dental surface scan -direct when scanning for a porcelain/ceramic crown fabrication? I will be posting D2740 on delivery date of crown.
like a 3 or 4 unit bridge that needs to section off a part for extraction
i have the 2022 code book and am having trouble finding it. Is it in the new book? if so where so i can see how it is in there.
What is the appropriate code for a patient who presents for an appointment but had to be rescheduled since they forgot to take their premedication antibiotics? No treatment was performed.
Pt seen to stablish care. Procedure code used D0150 the next day patient seen for a limited examination D0140 and extracted a tooth. I am curious if this will be considered over charging on exams, as pt just had a comprehensive exam the day before.
What codes can we use if exams and cleanings were done at separate appointment? Can we use z13.84 if exam was done only?
My dentist referred me to another dentist at another company for procedure D3348. After the procedure, I was billed D9310 in addition to D3348. I personally did not need a consultation and only required D3348. Do I have to pay this invoice and if not, on what basis?