Ask the Coder (528) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions >« Back to Full Questions List Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer27views I have a question, I work for a Endodontist and Dr. wants to start billing for a 6 month check up how would I bill that?1answer27views I had a patient come in with pain on tooth #31, tissue was overgrown on occlusal surface so he trimmed it back with laser. What code could i use for this?1answer26views Could you please provide us with specific examples as to when a D0140 (limited exam) should be used and when it should not?1answer26views Please advise coding on the following: Pt. presents with pain, swelling around #3--took 2 PAs and measured pocket depths in area--sulcus of #3 gushed pus and blood when probed--doctor treated as perio abscess by doing gross debridement to let it drain through the sulcus, irrigated with Chlorhexidine and prescribed antibiotics.1answer24views On the CMS-1500 section 24-E (Diagnosis Code) do these codes come from the ICD-9-CM book? Thank you :)1answer24views What is the correct way to bill caries as a medical condition? My Boss asked me that question just to make sure that i will not sleep at night :)He also mentioned: "For example when it leads to medical problems like malnutrition, speech, swallowing, digestion, problems like obesity or dystrophy.Please help, need ASP!1answer22views I purchased the book and the exam I how do I get them?1answer22views Is there a D-code that fits the following scenario: Pediatric dental office, pt (6 years old) presents with dental anxiety/hesitation; Dr would like to see him every 4 months for what he calls a "desensitizing appointment" which aims to make the pt feel more at ease in the dental office. Thank You1answer22views Good morning,How many tooth extractions would be considered to be major surgery? And whree could I find this in writing for our dentists?1answer22views We did an off hours emergency procedure for a patient. Patient broke off large !! section of filling that lodged into gum and bone. Took an hour to remove and then we need to debride the now gum pocket and infection. This was festering for week so acute gingival infection caused by foreign body. We had to use laser to treat and then did sedative restoration where broken. UC has previously denied laser treatment in other cases. How should we code to get reimbursed? « Previous 1 … 50 51 52 53 Next » Ask a Question