PANO D0330 is taken for denture procedures. And no teeth exist. Could the code still claim out?Ask the CoderPANO D0330 is taken for denture procedures. And no teeth exist. Could the code still claim out?PANO D0330 is taken for denture procedures. And no teeth exist. Could the code still claim out? « Back to Previous Page Answer Question Tweet ▲0 ▼ ♥ 0 Marked as spamAsked on March 1, 201655 viewsFollowUnfollowReport spam Add comment Anonymous comment CancelAnswers (1) ▲0 ▼✔ Private answerYes, a panoramic film may be billed when no teeth exist.Marked as spamAnswered on March 2, 2016Report spam Add comment Anonymous comment Cancel « Back to Previous Page Post your AnswerAttach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [] Notify me of follow