Patient comes in for pain. Has tooth extracted. Can a D9110 or D01240 be billed with the D7140?

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  • Patient comes in for pain. Has tooth extracted. Can a D9110 or D01240 be billed with the D7140?

Patient comes in for pain. Has tooth extracted. Can a D9110 or D01240 be billed with the D7140?

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Asked on May 3, 2019
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CDT code D9110 is typically inclusive of the extraction and therefor will be rejected when submitted at the same time as an extraction. As for the other code D01240 this code does not exist. If the code you were intending is D0120 that would be an inappropriate code as well, since the patient is coming in for pain management and not a periodic oral evaluation.

You may try D0140 along with the extraction code of D7140, as many carriers will allow this combination of code selection.

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Answered on May 4, 2019
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