The dentist is work for but do not do billing for on his ortho cases bill the insurance company to maximize the patients benefits then gives a patien a discount so they do not have to pay the whole amount what is left due. Is that type of billing appropriate?

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  • The dentist is work for but do not do billing for on his ortho cases bill the insurance company to maximize the patients benefits then gives a patien a discount so they do not have to pay the whole amount what is left due. Is that type of billing appropriate?

The dentist is work for but do not do billing for on his ortho cases bill the insurance company to maximize the patients benefits then gives a patien a discount so they do not have to pay the whole amount what is left due. Is that type of billing appropriate?

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Asked on April 21, 2013
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Answers (1)

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You are only allowed to give a contracutal adjustment on insurance patients; if you are not charging the patient their co-pay or co-insurance amounts this is considered fraud. It is considered highly inappropriate!

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Answered on April 22, 2013
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