the dentist placed a SSC on #A in January, 2013. Patient came back in September, 2013 due to uncomfortable with the size of SSC. Had to replace with a new SSC in different size. Do I charge out for a SSC? Or it could be just a re-cementation? Thank you

  • Ask the Coder
  • the dentist placed a SSC on #A in January, 2013. Patient came back in September, 2013 due to uncomfortable with the size of SSC. Had to replace with a new SSC in different size. Do I charge out for a SSC? Or it could be just a re-cementation? Thank you

the dentist placed a SSC on #A in January, 2013. Patient came back in September, 2013 due to uncomfortable with the size of SSC. Had to replace with a new SSC in different size. Do I charge out for a SSC? Or it could be just a re-cementation? Thank you

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Asked on September 17, 2013
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Answers (1)

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You will charge out for a new crown and provide a narrative with the claim explaining the circumstances. They will usually pay 50% of the original fee.

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Answered on September 18, 2013
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