What is the appropriate code for Space Maintainer repair.Ask the CoderWhat is the appropriate code for Space Maintainer repair.What is the appropriate code for Space Maintainer repair. « Back to Previous Page Answer Question Tweet ▲0 ▼ ♥ 0 Marked as spamAsked on July 7, 2016147 viewsFollowUnfollowReport spam Add comment Anonymous comment CancelAnswers (1) ▲0 ▼✔ Private answerIf you had to re-cement or re-bond the space maintainer the code would be D1550. If you had to place a new space maintainer the code would be D1999 accompanied by a brief narrative as to why the space maintainer had to be replaced.Marked as spamAnswered on July 8, 2016Report spam Add comment Anonymous comment Cancel « Back to Previous Page Post your AnswerAttach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [https://youtu.be/Zkdf3kaso] Notify me of follow