What would be an appropriate CDT code for an Itero intral oral scan

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  • What would be an appropriate CDT code for an Itero intral oral scan

What would be an appropriate CDT code for an Itero intral oral scan

Answer Question

We no longer take impressions or diagnostic casts. Is there a CDT code that would cover the intraloral scan with our Itero when we are preparing a treatment/case work up for an Invisalign consult? Can we still bill out D0470 or do we use D0393?

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Asked on July 26, 2022
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Answers (2)

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Answered on July 26, 2022
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D8999 there is no code for scanning just like no code for impressions. This code is not billable to patient. It is part of complete procedure. If you are an in network provider you cannot charge patient.

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Answered on July 26, 2022
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