I know there are snow med and snow dent - but the ada has their own list of condition codes right?
There are no restriction to bill these two codes together for the same DOS. However, you want to make sure you are include supporting documentation as to why you performed both procedures on the same day and the time involved. Make sure to include chart notes that document BOTH planning and scaling were performed, not just scaling. Indicate the patient has active perio disease and is in active perio treatment, include their perio condition Class I,II,III. Provide 1-3 teeth numbers for each quadrant planned and scaled, Document the remaining quadrants were not planned or scaled, that plaque, calculus and stains were removed for the remaining quads. Include perio chart, and FMX along with current BWXs if possible.
i have the 2022 code book and am having trouble finding it. Is it in the new book? if so where so i can see how it is in there.
Can you enter two separate restoration codes on the same day for the same tooth or is it correct to bill as a two surface restoration even though the restorations are not touching. For instance tooth #30 has occlusal but also separate buccal.
e.g. WDS plans will say
Fluoride toothpaste following periodontal procedure 100%. I've spoken to the company and they suggested D0999. The EOB note read: description for this treatment has a valid CDT code and does not match the submitted procedure code. What code would be correct code for Clinpro 5000 dispensed for take home?
For example, there is the impression, the wax up, the try ins (and all of the times it takes to get this right with the lab). By the end of the process, being in network with their insurance causes us to lose out on money when we simply bill out the denture itself. Is there a way to bill out all of the different steps to insurance so that the costs are covered even though the negotiated rate with their insurance is so low?
Needing some clarification on code 7950. A tooth was previously extracted and we are now going in to graft the site for future implant. Is 7950 the correct code? 7953 won't work bc the tooth was previously extracted and 6104 won't either bc we are not placing implant yet. Thank you!
How to claim delta dental x ray? I just claimed New exam 0150 and FMX, they denied for FMX service.