The sedation medication we use is: Versed What is the appropriate HCPCS? Where do I list that on the CMS 1500 form?In response to question ‘I recently posted a question regarding a medical claim and this was part of the response: “For the D9248 you will need to list the drugs used and their appropriate HCPCS code.” “HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System and is published by the American Medical Association (AMA). This book lists drug codes, durable medical equipment codes, outpatient services, and more. You may purchase the book from any company that sells coding manuals. If you would like the specific HCPCS codes please list what drugs you are using for the D9248 (i.e. The HCPCS code for demerol is J2175).Thank you.

  • Ask the Coder
  • The sedation medication we use is: Versed What is the appropriate HCPCS? Where do I list that on the CMS 1500 form?In response to question 'I recently posted a question regarding a medical claim and this was part of the response: "For the D9248 you will need to list the drugs used and their appropriate HCPCS code." "HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System and is published by the American Medical Association (AMA). This book lists drug codes, durable medical equipment codes, outpatient services, and more. You may purchase the book from any company that sells coding manuals. If you would like the specific HCPCS codes please list what drugs you are using for the D9248 (i.e. The HCPCS code for demerol is J2175).Thank you.

The sedation medication we use is: Versed What is the appropriate HCPCS? Where do I list that on the CMS 1500 form?In response to question ‘I recently posted a question regarding a medical claim and this was part of the response: “For the D9248 you will need to list the drugs used and their appropriate HCPCS code.” “HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System and is published by the American Medical Association (AMA). This book lists drug codes, durable medical equipment codes, outpatient services, and more. You may purchase the book from any company that sells coding manuals. If you would like the specific HCPCS codes please list what drugs you are using for the D9248 (i.e. The HCPCS code for demerol is J2175).Thank you.

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Asked on November 1, 2013
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Answers (1)

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HCPCS code for versed is J2250.

It is placed in boc 24D of the CMS-1500 form.

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Answered on November 2, 2013
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